From the man page of xargs:
The xargs utility reads space, tab, newline and end-of-file delimited strings from the standard input and executes utility with the strings as arguments.
Useful when used with tools that can't read piped content by themselves, eg. ls
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:/ robin$ echo /opt | ls
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Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:/ robin$
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:/ robin$ echo /opt | xargs ls
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:/ robin$
xargs is capable of invoking the provided utility not once with all the arguments provided, but also invoking the utility e.g. once per argument.
Example utility invoked once with all arguments
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:/ robin$ echo /opt /dev /Volumes | xargs echo
/opt /dev /Volumes
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:/ robin$
Example utility invoked once per argument
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:/ robin$ echo /opt /dev /Volumes | xargs -n1 echo
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:/ robin$
I used it to created a lot of copies of the same file at once.
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:cpfoo robin$ ls
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:cpfoo robin$ echo destination-{1..5} | xargs -n1 cp source
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:cpfoo robin$ ls
destination-1 destination-2 destination-3 destination-4 destination-5 source
Robins-MacBook-Pro-2:cpfoo robin$
This snippet also makes use of a feature called brace expansion, which I'll probably also cover sometimes.